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New Class/Female Warrior/Lancea's 2nd Path

Dragon Nest KR's GM Stella had posted a picture of an artwork on social media showing a girl with a proud face that is holding a shawl and with flowers around her (photo shown below). 
Many have speculated it whether she has something to do with the much anticipated female warrior which was announced on february, or is lancea's new path or is it a new female class, or is it just simply a new NPC.

The Facebook post said:
용자님들 GM포프입니다!😍GM스텔라찡이 저 몰래 영상을 올리셨었군요!😤오늘은 혼자 보기 아까워버리는 원화를 공개합니다!하앙; 너무 예뽕 말잇못😭 엉엉


So what do you think? Leave us your thought below.

We'll be gathering more information about her. So please stay tuned for more.
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