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Speed Terminator Title

Greeting Readers!

recently, some of my friends asked me on how to get "Speed Terminator" title. And again, I've done some research for the title. For me, it gonna takes some time to finish the requirements to get the title. but well, it's worthy!

So here's a guide on how to get the "Speed Terminator" title.

Take note that you MUST do the other achievements 1st before you can unlock the following Achievements/Titles! You also need to finish the chain Abyss quests from the Heraldry NPC in Calderock and Saint Haven if the lists doesn't show!

Sprint Instinct/Sprinter 
- Clear the dungeon within 20 mins. (Abyss) - Raiders Ambush 

Ambush Detector/Ambush Defuser 
- Clear the dungeon within 15 mins. (Master) - Raiders Ambush Point

- Clear the dungeon within 20 mins. (Abyss) - Sanctuary Core

- Clear the dungeon within 20 mins. (Abyss) - Church Ruins

Lightning Fast/Quick as Lightning
- Clear the dungeon within 20 mins. (Master) - Death Basin

- Clear the dungeon within 15 mins. (Master) - Dark Mines

Hula Hooper/Huffer and Puffer
- Clear the dungeon within 15 mins. (Master) - Abandoned Welton Hollow

Rolling Master/Roll Master 
- Clear the dungeon within 15 mins. (Master) - Forsaken Islet

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